Dear Members of the Presidents Circle,

I am sure most of you are impressed by the number of new programs, majors and courses developed by Siena as I am. The world changes and so must Siena change. One thing that has not changed at Siena is fidelity to the Franciscan tradition. I would like to share with you a prayer of St. Francis which I say each day which reflects the Franciscan mission of Siena College:

Most high glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart;

give me Lord a correct faith, certain hope, a perfect charity.

Insight and wisdom, so that I may carry out Your holy and true command.

YouTube videos from Siena frequently refers to Siena students as “Saints.” I do not know if any of us will be canonized, but if we keep the Faith of Francis we will be better people and will help make the world a better place bringing God’s light into a darkening world, being women and men of wisdom and Charity. The Scholarships that some of us have received ourselves or the scholarships that we have supported over the years have given so many the opportunity to worthy students to attend Siena. I close with the words of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis, “Lord make me an instrument Your Peace."

Fraternally, Fr. Hugh Hines, O.F.M.