Rosemary Schiavo Chersi ’83

Siena Degree

Bachelor of Science, 1983

Current Residence

Naples, FL

What quote would you like to share with current Siena students?

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau


My Siena Experience

It was an all around growth experience both academically and socially.  My education gave me a solid foundation for my life's journey. Socially, I forged beautiful friendships that continue to this day.

Siena impact on business or personal success

The underlying core Franciscan values were those in which I aimed to instill in my daily life and those of my children.

Inspiration to give back to Siena

My belief in the Franciscan values inspired me to give back to Siena in hopes to enable the continuing of these traditions for future students.