Ditch the snow and go abroad! Typically lasting 2-3 weeks, J-Term programs allow students to take a course overseas while engaging in hands-on learning and cultural immersion. Program costs vary, and application deadlines are typically in early-October. 

Check out the table below for upcoming, low-cost J-Term offerings! Chat with a study abroad advisor and begin an application by contacting the Center for International Programs (international@siena.edu) in Foy Hall 301.

J-TERM 2025

Location course(s) dates cost
Brussels, Belgium

Belgian Food and Ingredients

December 29 - January 18 $3,050
San Jose, Costa Rica

Students earn 3 credits for a volunteering project focused in areas such as healthcare, teaching, animal care, or construction. 

December 29 - January 19 $3,050
Prague, Czech Republic

Students choose one course:

  • Czech Brewing Industry: Production, Economics, and Marketing
  • Digital Photography
December 29 - January 15 $3,050
Siena, Italy

Students choose one course:

  • Art History: Italian Costume and Fashion
  • A Green Renaissance: Sustainable Development in Tuscany
December 29 - January 18 $3,050
Cusco, Peru

Students earn 3 credits for a volunteering project focused in areas such as healthcare, teaching, animal care, or construction. 

December 29 - January 19 $3,050