
Laudato Si’ Center for Integral Ecology focuses on campus engagement, social justice, and building local, national, and global networks.  The Center connects all its activities for the Mission of Siena College.


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The Franciscan Justice Leadership Conference took place in Washington D.C. October 13-16, 2023. As part of Franciscan Leadership Conference, it brought together young people from several Franciscan colleges and universities to advocate for climate and racial justice. Siena's Franciscan Center for Justice and Advocacy had a robust, active presence in this initiative. Go Saints! Continue to advocate for comprehensive solutions to the interlocking issues around social, racial and climate justice.


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Efforts toward integral ecology and sustainability

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Watch the powerful documentary about Pope Francis and a diverse group of people from around the world responding to the climate emergency

The Letter - A Message for our Earth

The Letter tells the incredible story of heroic acts by ordinary people to address the global environmental crisis affecting all of us. Pope Francis meets with these heroes to talk about the cries of the poor and the planet, Laudato Si.