The vision of Laudato Si’ Center for Integral Ecology: 

The Laudato Si’ Center for Integral Ecology aims to promote Pope Francis’ vision of integral ecology.  The Center seeks to nurture, enhance, and help to integrate the ongoing sustainability efforts at Siena College.  Furthermore, it aspires to collaborate with various Franciscan institutions in the U.S. and abroad, with civic and governmental institutions, and other faith traditions.  Our goal is to help transform the growing attentiveness to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor into effective action for climate solutions and the common good of Earth's community. 

The Center for Integral Ecology puts those who are suffering the greatest from the consequences of climate disruptions – in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the United States, Europe – at the forefront of its environmental justice efforts, so that their voices could touch the minds and hearts of all the stakeholders within Siena College, engage the wider community, and have a transformative global impact.  Through a comprehensive, multi-prong strategy, the Center endeavors to harness the ethical and spiritual values of the Franciscan Tradition and the prophetic power of Pope Francis’ encyclical  Laudato Si' in ways that spur a transformation of personal lifestyles, institutions, and, ultimately, political-economic systems.