@Siena math ENHANCES scientific inquiry

This past summer, a record number of students contributed to research and scholarship in mathematics. While the disciplines and projects of each student varied, hard work, laughs, and good times were had by all:



The 2023-2024 academic year promises to be an exciting time for the Department of Mathematics. Part of the excitement is due to a new Faculty member joining the department, Dr. de Wolf. So, please stop by her office (RB 444) and give her a warm Siena welcome when you have the opportunity.

In other department news, Dr. Javaheri is taking over from Dr. Bannon as the Department of Mathematics Chair. So, please wish Dr. Javaheri well on his new appointment and give Dr. Bannon some words of appreciation for all of his hard and unseen work over the last few years.

With regards to Siena math students, over the summer Jack Farrell and Owen Spolyar had great success on the research front. Specifically, they had a peer reviewed article accepted for publication in the journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, and were accepted to present at the Epidemics 2023 conference in Bologne Italy this fall!! Congrats gentlemen.

With all that said, the department wishes everyone a wonderful and successful 2023/2024!


The Department of Mathematics is happy to share that a new minor has been approved: Biostats. The minor gives students the opportunity to examine the ecology and environmental sciences through the lens of statistics and data analysis, thereby providing a stepping stone to diverse career options. 

@Siena math meets pop culture:

For further details see the SCoop write-up available here, or check out the student reports on the origins of zombies and cost-effective ways to prevent uprisings, or watch a video presentation.




DataFest @ Siena 2023

March 24-26, 2023

Join us for a fun and friendly data analysis challenge.

At ASA DataFest, you’ll get a chance to get creative with data, mingle with professionals from industry and academia, and compete for prizes and glory! And, we’ll be providing free food throughout the weekend!

Over the course of the weekend, you will work in teams to find meaning from a large, rich, and complex dataset. Consultants who are faculty and industry professionals will be available to assist you.

Registration is now open. 


Contact Kursad Tosun at ktosun@siena.edu with any questions.

  • ANALYZING COVID AS A MATH PROBLEMReal-world applications of mathematics to model the spread of COVID-19 and a tick-borne illness were the subjects of two separate research projects by CURCA summer scholars.  For details see the write-up here

    Find out by minoring in the NEW statistics minor, which will start in Fall 2020. The new minor provides students with tools commonly used in statistical analysis and the interpretation of data. Therefore, the new minor is a perfect complement to quantitative majors, such as Data Science, Actuarial Science, Biology, and Math, among many many others. A special thanks goes out to Dr. Tosun for developing the program.
  • The Department of Mathematics is happy to share the news that 3 new math courses have been approved by the college. The courses, which focus on Regression analysis (MATH 372), Advanced Statistical Methods (MATH 375), and Fundamental Topics in Applied Math (MATH 399), are all slated for roll out sometime soon!

    Public health policies have mixed results depending on the infectious disease. Face coverings, for example, have flattened the curve against COVID-19, but they will be of little use during a zombie outbreak. For details on how to survive, click here 

Get Ahead of the Game

Whether developing software, designing an experiment, or interpreting experimental data, Siena’s math courses will help you build a strong foundation to make you more efficient and effective. Adding a math minor provides you with an edge in the job marketplace-no matter what your goals!

Mohammad Javaheri

Department Chair, Professor of Mathematics