
Post-Pandemic, Here’s What We Cannot Wait to Do Back at Siena

Like all of you, we’re counting down the days until this pandemic is a thing of the past. We cannot wait to plan our next vacation, or simply walk around the mall, eat at a restaurant, attend a baseball game, and do all those things we did pre-Coronavirus, without a care in the world.

You know what else is high on that list? Enjoy the Saint life at Siena. While we’ll always do what’s right, what’s safe, and what’s needed, we gotta admit: there’s a lot we’re looking forward to getting back to here on campus.

Post-pandemic, we’re ready for…


If you think your future is in engineering, ask yourself this: what kind of engineer do you want to be? We don’t mean mechanical, or chemical, or anything like that—you’ll figure that out in time.

We mean: do you want to be an engineer who follows the rules that have already been established? Or, do you want to understand the whys, the hows, the fundamental truths, so that you can ask questions and uncover new solutions?

Your Biggest Liberal Arts Questions, Answered

You’ve probably had at least one relative ask you what having a liberal arts degree even means—or maybe you’ve even asked them. And that’s fair! The term “liberal arts” leaves a lot to be desired, especially since you don’t actually need to vote blue or be an artist to pursue a degree in it.

We Are Saints

Saints stick together. We stand strong. We jump into the fray. We help however we can. We make the best of what’s around, and we care deeply for the world around us.

“Should I go to community college first, or right to Siena?”

One question that our admissions team hears from time to time, from both students and their parents, is whether or not they should start off at community college before transferring to Siena.

It’s a valid question—especially right now, as families across the country are grappling with major decisions in light of the Coronavirus.

So what do we think?


If you’ve officially joined the Class of 2024 (hopefully Siena’s!)—or even if you’re a high school junior who’s interested in learning more about the college process in general—you may be wondering…

After the deposit, what comes next?

"My favorite spot on Siena's campus is..."

No Instagram post, no iPhone shot, no professionally taken photo can fully do our beautiful, suburban campus justice—they suffice, but really, you just have to visit.

You have to smell the fresh cut grass and try the smoothies from Casey’s. You have to walk around the perimeter where Siena’s campus safely meets the peaceful streets of Loudonville (one of the safest towns in New York), and kick back by the fire pits.

And when you do, be sure to scope out these specific spots below: a few of our students’ favorite places to study or unwind.

How to Choose a College During The Coronavirus Crisis

There’s no question that the world as it is today is unlike any world most of you have ever experienced. Social media is flooded with often anxiety-inducing coronavirus headlines, and businesses in your town are shutting down by the minute.