Creative Arts, Academics

A Siena First from the Stage

For the first time ever, Siena theater students made it to the semi-final round of an acting scholarship competition sponsored by the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF).
Political Science, Academics, School of Science

A Classroom Approach to Saving the Planet

Her students wanted to inspire change and create public awareness about intensifying environmental change - so she invented a new course.
School of Business, MBA


For its commitment to educating future business leaders about sustainability, innovation and ethical business practices, Siena’s MBA program is now listed as a signatory with the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).

Three Reasons to Revisit Campuses as An Accepted Student

Got a few acceptance packages over the past few weeks? Congratulations! Now that you've received the decisions you were hoping for, the best part of the college application process can really begin—and that's revisiting campuses.
Before you think, "Nah, don't have to," hear us out.


*Postponed* In case you haven’t heard, the Siena MBA is one powerful degree—and we offer options for both working professionals and high school students.

Speaking of the former here though, if you know a young working professional in the Capital Region or soon-to-be one, pass along this event information!
Political Science

Working the 2020 Campaign Trail

Twenty Siena political science students spent a week in an unseasonably warm New Hampshire getting a taste of grassroots campaigning in advance of the Granite State’s upcoming presidential primary.

The Class of 2020 Kicks Off Their Senior Gift Campaign

Throughout their time at Siena, the senior class has seen the importance of the Franciscan mission and the opportunities that come from giving back to the community. The Senior Class Gift Campaign is a long standing tradition that began with the Class of 1968.