
19 reasons to attend Siena’s 2019 Accepted Students Day

If you received an acceptance packet from Siena, don’t miss Accepted Students Day on either Sunday, February 17 or Monday, February 18 (or you can choose stay overnight). Here are 19 reasons to reserve your spot.

Three things to look for on campus revisits

As we said in our first campus visit post, there are several ways to make the most of college tours when you first arrive. Been there, done that? At Siena, we strongly believe in revisits. If you’re serious about a college, it pays to return to campus and look for anything you weren’t able to see last time, and ask follow-up questions. You probably have your own checklist of what to see and inquire about, but here are three more not-so-obvious things you may want to check out on your next trip:
School of Science, Physics & Astronomy


In the summer of 2020, NASA will launch the next mission to Mars. The primary goal? Determine if life ever arose on the Red Planet. Find out how one Siena professor is taking a hands-on role.

Why Should Business Students Care About AACSB Accreditation?

When you’re researching colleges, you’re bound to come across a lot of acronyms, ratings, percentages and accreditations at nearly every school. But if you’re interested in studying business—or a related field, like finance or economics, there’s one accreditation in particular that not every school has, but you—and your parents—definitely want to see.
Academics, Grants and Sponsored Research, Baldwin Nursing Program

Siena Nursing Awarded Two Grants

Two new grants for Siena College nursing will be used to fund equipment upgrades for the growing program.

Choosing the right business major at Siena

With the launch of Siena’s new MBA program—which gives Siena freshmen the opportunity to earn their bachelor’s degree AND an MBA in their four years here—there’s been a huge surge of interest in our business programs. One question we hear often: which business major is right for me?

The Truth About Why Extracurriculars in High School Really Matter

As early as freshman year in high school, students are encouraged to get involved in extracurricular activities for a lot of reasons. Joining clubs and/or sports teams, volunteering at local organizations, and so on are all fantastic ways to make new friends, explore or discover your interests and perhaps share your strengths and skills with others. You’ve also no doubt heard that, “they’re great for your college application.”

ICYMI: Siena alumni spoke at Open House—see what they said

At this year’s Open House, we gave students and their families the opportunity to attend three sessions from a list of 38. We had deep dives into specific majors, a presentation on the liberal arts advantage, a discussion on hands-on learning and so much more. Every session was a hit!

One of the most popular sessions, though, was an alumni panel we held twice in a row. Six local graduates with impressive careers and fond memories of Siena talked about what they loved most about their time as a Saint, how the Siena experience led to where they are now, and much more before fielding questions from students and parents in the audience.

All About the Music Scene at Siena College

Between student groups and campus events, courses and open-mic nights, your college years can be a prime time for exploring your long-standing love of music or discovering a passion you’ve never had before. At Siena College, in particular, it’s a fantastic place to stop watching The Voice and start hearing your own.
Alumni Cate Lawyer '20

Dave Collins ’03: All in the Family

Collins is currently the third President of D.A. Collins Companies, a 70 year old family business started by his grandfather who wanted to follow the American Dream.