A Franciscan Friendship in Brazil

Siena has had a longstanding working relationship with FAE Centro Universitário, a Franciscan university in Curitiba, Brazil. Their president recently paid a visit to Siena’s campus to talk business – and have a party.

Economics Students Get a Seat at the "Table"

Students in the Federal Reserve Challenge class (ECON 460) taught by Aaron Pacitti, Ph.D. participate throughout the semester in a national competition for undergraduate economics majors run by the Federal Reserve. As part of the class this year, the seniors in the honors seminar also got a chance to join their economics professor during his weekly appearance on the WAMC program “The Roundtable.”

Siena Invited to Partner with Saint Rose for Teachout

The College of Saint Rose announced today that it has invited Siena to become a teachout partner. While details are still being finalized, Siena is appreciative of the opportunity to support the Saint Rose community. 

Christmas at Siena

A winter coat. A Pokémon toy. A pair of warm gloves. Several local families in need are “adopted” each year by Siena, and the only Christmas gifts they receive will be the ones purchased and wrapped by Saints.
Center for International Programs, Pre-Law

Saints Around the World: Glasgow, Scotland

Julia Czermerys '24 was given the very Celtic middle name of Eilis. Her siblings all have Celtic middle names as well. For Julia's family, those names represent a permanent bond to their Irish ancestry. Except, as it turns out, they're not Irish.
Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy

The Gift of Giving

A winter coat. A Pokémon toy. A pair of warm gloves. Several local families in need are “adopted” each year by Siena, and the only Christmas gifts they receive will be the ones purchased and wrapped by Saints.
Siena College Research Institute

SCRI Dedicates Its Renovated Space

The Siena polling institute whose results are recognized around the world now has refurbished space for its operations.