"Our Soul is Stirred"

The graceful porcelain figurines in muted pastels are gathered around a crèche in the traditional observation the birth of Jesus.

National Award for Outstanding Innovation

At the annual higher education marketer conference held in Chicago in November, Siena College received the first-ever AMA Emerging Marketer in Higher Education Award.

Walking (and Skating) with a Purpose

If you wondered why you saw a thousand people in purple walking the campus while you were headed to breakfast on October 21 (above), it’s all part of the College’s commitment to supporting important causes in the wider community.
School of Science, Environmental Studies and Sciences

Snapping Pictures to Protect the Wildlife

A porcupine lumbers through the brush, looking like an uninspired employee headed for the start of his shift. A hungry fox slinks about, looking for a tasty dinner of mouse or chipmunk. Curious deer stare right into the…camera lens?
Internships, Career and Internship Center

The Intern Journal: Albany Diocesan Cemeteries

Wyatt Cleinman '24 has been to more funerals in the past two months than in the past two decades. The frequent cemetery visits have provided him with a new outlook on grief... and marketing.