
Where Siena Students Work Across the U.S.

Successful Saints are sprinkled across the U.S. (Try saying that five times fast...) Attorneys, account executives, CEOs, interior designers, editors, medical directors, producers and more are making names for themselves in big cities, small towns and everywhere in between. Want some specifics about your potential alumni network?

Customize Your Major With Any of These Concentrations

When an employer sifts through résumé after résumé of communications majors, do you think one that says "communications major with a concentration in sports and services marketing" would stand out from the rest? We do. And that's why we're excited to share that the new concentrations offered through our School of Business aren't just for business majors.
Academics, Service/Advocacy, HEOP

Student Aid Advocacy Day

Students from Siena’s Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) headed to the state Capitol on February 14 for the annual Student Aid Advocacy Day.

Food Talk: Where Siena Students Take Their Parents To Dinner

One thing Siena students never have to worry about in the Capital Region is finding really good food—something that's probably important to you as a prospective student, right? So, we bring you a new series to our blog: Food Talk. In our first of the series, check out a few places Siena students like to take their parents to dinner when they come to visit.

Dear Siena College...Love, Your Students

Oh, Siena. How do we love thee? Let us count the ways... In honor of Valentine's Day, we asked Saints to help us create a love letter to our dear school by answering this question: "If you could tell Siena what you love most about it, what would you say?" (Just go with it.) Here are some responses... 
Alumni, Campus Events

Lisa Tepper ‘82: Success is about Passion

On Monday February 8, Lisa Tepper ’82 returned to her alma mater to speak to students as a part of the School of Business Lecture Series. Tepper graduated from Siena with a marketing/management degree and has since had 34 years of experience in the insurance business.
Academics, Campus Events

Peace Activist Speaks at Siena on “The War Against ISIS”

Political science students gathered in the Boland Room to hear noted peace activist Phyllis Bennis talk about our nation’s war against ISIS – how it began, and what impact the new Trump administration could have on these efforts.
Academics, Student Life, English Samantha LaRose '17

First Generation in College at Siena: Todd Snyder

The first segment of the “First Generation in College at Siena” discussion series was held Tuesday, January 31. Todd Snyder, Ph.D., assistant professor of English was the series’ first speaker.