
Five Reasons To Choose Siena By...An Accounting Major

Interested in accounting? William Venezio '17, accounting major and information systems minor, chose Siena mostly because of our accounting program—which by the way, is offering a really great new opportunity this fall. Now, students have the chance to earn their bachelor's and master's in accounting in just four years; you can earn your BS in three, and your MS in one. How's that for convenient?
Campus Events, Siena in the News

Siena Remembers September 11

Fifteen years have passed since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 forever changed the skyline of New York and the political landscape of our nation.

7 Things You May Not Know About Private Colleges

Going back and forth on whether to apply to private or public colleges? Since Siena is a private college, it'd sound a little too biased for us to come right out and say private is the way to go—after all, it's very possible to get a wonderful education at various types of institutions. What we can do is share with you a few facts and benefits about private colleges that may be of interest to you.
Service/Advocacy, Student Life

Community Living Day of Service

On Saturday, August 27, Siena’s Office of Community Living held their annual day of service as part of the summer Resident Assistant Training.

Baldwin Nursing Program Blessing

The hands of students who will make up the first-ever nursing class at Siena College were anointed at a special ceremony of song and prayer to bless the College’s new program.