Management, School of Business, Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: London, England

Allie Croce '23 has never met Jessica Salmon, Ph.D., associate professor of management, in person, but a brief note from the professor changed Allie's year and maybe her professional trajectory.

Franciscan Hearts Seek Justice

They were already passionate about making positive change in the world. After attending a national Franciscan conference on developing leadership skills to advocate for peace and justice, they are now even more inspired.

Social Work Student of the Year

Thanks to a schedule loaded with volunteer activities and community outreach – not to mention outstanding work in the classroom – Jonathan Limey ’24 has received a state award for his dedication to helping others.
Academics, School of Liberal Arts, English

Siena Student Journalist, Pulitzer Winner Returns Home

He’s a Pulitzer Prize winning author of fiction who began his writing career on the Siena College student newspaper. Willian Kennedy ’49 made an informal stop on campus October 30. He was accompanying his son Brendan, who was part of the advance team for a business lecture by financial planner Tom Curran.

Particle Physics Roadshow Lecture

Two physics students and their professor took their research out into the community to educate the public about particle physics, using scientific models they designed and built themselves.
Physics & Astronomy, School of Science

Siena's Portal to the Universe

A digital atlas of almost 400,000 nearby galaxies is live online and can be accessed by the public – and referenced by astronomers – around the world. To honor the home institution of the project leader whose ongoing research informed its content, it is known as the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA).

Seven Common College Application Mistakes

From repurposed essays to college name misspellings, believe us—admissions teams have seen it all. And while these application mistakes may be common, it doesn't mean they're unavoidable.
Center for International Programs, History, Education, School of Liberal Arts

Saints Around the World: Siena, Italy

What's the best hug you've ever received in your life? For Caroline Tahany '25, that's easy. It happened in a random parking lot with a woman she didn't know.