Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: Hong Kong

Noelle LeBlanc '25 is aware that, at first look, she blends right in. Every other student in her History of China in the 20th Century class (above) was from either Hong Kong or mainland China. Most assumed the same of Noelle, until she opened her mouth to talk (which, admittedly, she did a lot).

This Saint's Got Talent

Mike Lounello – Siena's technical director of events – conceptualizes lighting, set design, and other audio/visual elements to enhance the audience experience at almost any event. His finger prints are on most College productions, from homecoming to the stage. This summer, he applied his talents on America's stage.

Every Student Has a Story: Matt Campo ’24

When Matt Campo '24 was 11 years old, his aunt and uncle hired a balloon artist to make blow-up animals at a birthday party for Matt's cousin. Matt's souvenir was twisted and folded into the shape of a pig. That balloon pig changed his life.

Launching Sport Management

Students who want to combine their love of sports with career plans to manage athletic organizations can sign up for a new track within the management major.

First-Year Saint to be Honored at the Smithsonian

Please excuse Daniel Rivera ’27 from class for a couple days this September: he has to be in Washington, D.C. to see one of his paintings honored at the Smithsonian Institution. Seriously.

Saints Around the World: Norway

Gabriela Jimenez '26 has a ranked bucket list of countries she'd like to visit. Norway checked in at #2, sandwiched between Scotland and Germany. This summer, she crossed it off the list.