Campus Events, Student Life

Preparing for the Presidential Election

With the 2012 presidential election approaching, Siena students are getting involved in the voting process. Siena’s Student Senate is working to make sure that as many Siena students as possible vote in this year’s election.
Campus Events

Former NYT Columnist Speaks

The Franciscan Center for Catholic Studies and the Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy welcomed former New York Times religion columnist, Peter Steinfels, Ph. D., to campus recently. In the midst of a presidential election, Steinfels spoke about how to incorporate religion into deciding which candidate to vote for to be what he called a “faithful citizen.”
Academics, Siena in the News

Siena Students Athletes Get Straight A’s in NCAA GSR Report

Siena student athletes graduate. Using the most recent data released Thursday in the NCAA's Graduation Success Rate (GSR) report, student athletes who entered Siena as freshmen in 2005 graduated from college at a 95% clip, the sixth highest rate in the nation.
Academics, Student Life

Creative Arts Students Showcase Work in Troy

The venue for the exhibition was Carmen’s Café, a cozy location where Foster and five of his students spoke with curious visitors about their work. The Siena students who participated were Eden Alaxanian ’13, Allison Clarke ’13, Olivia Fay ’13, Emily Gustin ’13 and Britney MacKinnon ’14.
Campus Events, Service/Advocacy, Student Life

Halloween Extravaganza 2012

Saints were traded in for spooks during the eighth annual Halloween Extravaganza event, sponsored by the Office of Academic Community Engagement’s Bonner Service Leaders program.
Campus Events, Service/Advocacy, Siena in the News

Vatican II at 50

Siena College launched a four year Academic Symposium titled “Vatican II at 50: The Legacy of the Council Lives On.” Each year of the symposium has a theme, beginning this year with the Council’s background and beginnings. The symposium sponsored by the Franciscan Center for Catholic Studies focused on the reasons the Council was brought together for its initial deliberations in 1962.
Academics, Campus Events

International Philosophy Conference

Siena College hosted a unique gathering of philosophers, art historians, graduate students and academics from a variety of other disciplines earlier this month for the inaugural meeting of the Kristeva Circle. Participants traveled across the globe, from as far away as Shanghai, Paris and London, and as close as Albany, to attend the conference.
Campus Events, Service/Advocacy, Student Life

Celebrating Latin Culture

Siena College celebrated National Hispanic Heritage Month with a variety of student events and initiatives, including a lecture and Latin food tasting. The culmination of the celebration was last week’s Latin Fest.

Siena Success Story: Andrea Cole ‘13

Thanks to her summer internship, Andrea Cole ’13 went from an aspiring wedding planner to an employed assistant in sales before she will receive her diploma from Siena College in May 2013. Cole interned with Angelo Mazzone, a professional in the catering business in the Albany area, and participated in Mazzone’s weekly meetings that discussed the week’s and their off-premise catering events.
Academics, Campus Events

Nielsen CFO Speaks During Business Lecture

The Nielsen Company Chief Financial Officer Brian West ’91 spoke to a full house inside the Key Auditorium this week during the latest installment of the School of Business Lecture Series. West, who also oversees Nielsen Expositions, delivered an address titled “Private Equity's Role in Capital Formation and Globalization: How The Emerging Middle Class Will Drive Global Demand."