Biology, School of Science

The Leafcutter and its Fungus Garden

Rebecca Clark, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology, and two of her students traveled to the Texas capital last week for the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB). Clark, together with Savana Goslovich ’23 and Cassandra Smith ’24, presented a poster about their research on leafcutter ants and how fiber consumption can affect a colony.
English, School of Liberal Arts

What Happened to Dorothy May Bradford?

Revisiting a centuries-old cold case involving the death of a famous Mayflower passenger has netted a major essay prize for an English faculty member.

The Best Things About Attending a Small, Private, Liberal Arts College

Take a look at your list of potential colleges. Is there a mix of small and large schools, publics and privates, liberal arts and pre-professional choices? Unless you've been certain about the kind of school you belong at from the start, it can be hard to narrow down your list when there are so many differences to consider. Let us help.
Center for International Programs

Hear the Atlas Lions Roar

At this month's World Cup in Qatar, Morocco shocked the world. Four Moroccans experienced the unforgettable drama together from Siena.
Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: Lyon, France

Thanksgiving, for most of the world, is simply Thursday. Maribella Gaetani '24 was happy to immerse herself in French customs, but she was slightly concerned about missing a favorite holiday. So, her family brought Thanksgiving to France. Sort of.

Christmas at Siena

President Chris Gibson and his wife, Mary Jo, led the countdown from the steps of Siena Hall. At "one," they flipped the enormous lever, and when the trees on either side of Siena Hall ignited in Christmas colors, a new Siena tradition was born.

A Smoother Transition Thanks to 101

Starting college is a huge transition for every student, and Siena is committed to making that experience as smooth as possible. The one-credit Siena 101 course is offered to any incoming freshman who wants to take it. Sessions on test taking, study tips, time management and more are offered; one of the key components of the course’s success, however, are the personal connections made by peer mentors.