Every Student Has a Story: Katie Bisset '26

It was December 14, 2012 and Katie Bisset ’26 was eight years old. She and her classmates and teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School were huddled together, terrified and confused, in the reading corner of their third-grade classroom. They heard a commotion happening elsewhere in the building. The loudspeaker that had just played morning announcements switched back on and was relaying disturbing sounds from the front of the building.
Kieval Institute

Siena College Statement on Antisemitism

With deep concern for rising levels of antisemitism throughout the country, Siena College makes clear its unwavering commitment, as a Franciscan community, to the unique worth of each and every person.
Damietta Cross-Cultural Center, School of Science, Environmental Studies and Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry

In the News: November 2022

A monthly media roundup for the Siena community.
Center for International Programs

Commendation from the State Department

A Study Abroad team member recently received a commendation from the U.S. Department of State for her work on applicant review for a prestigious scholarship program.
Career and Internship Center, Internships

The Intern Journal: FOCUS Lab

Lauren Costello '23 is particularly interested in wildlife conservation. Her happy place is conducting research outdoors, far away from city life. So, urban planning was on her mind when she went internship hunting.
Center for International Programs, School of Science, Environmental Studies and Sciences

Saints Around the World: San Jose, Costa Rica

"Pura Vida" is the ubiquitous mantra of Costa Rica. The saying translates to pure life or simple life. It means to be thankful for what you have and live stress free. It's a lifestyle Evan Blust '23 has wholeheartedly embraced.

A Blessing Upon St. Francis

A Franciscan friar who is in regular contact with Pope Francis will join the Siena College community in January to help lead environmental sustainability efforts related to a Vatican initiative.
Computer Science, School of Science

The World's Largest Gathering of Women Technologists

Two Siena computer science students, an alumna, and their professors recently traveled to a major computing conference and came away with job interviews, internship offers, and a slew of new professional connections.
Accounting, School of Business

Every Student Has a Story: Nittaya Casey '24

Nittaya Casey '24 spent countless lunches in Lonnstrom Dining Hall making countless pizzas. The 19-year-old line cook worked for College dining in 2015 and occasionally wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of the counter. It was a silly daydream, she thought. She would never be a Siena student...

Siena Appoints 13th President

At the recommendation of the presidential search committee, and by unanimous support of the College’s Board of Trustees, Charles Seifert, Ph.D., was officially appointed the 13th President of Siena College at the Board meeting this morning.