Remembering Jim Veshia

James “Jim” Veshia, a custodial repair and supply specialist in the Facilities department, died suddenly the morning of October 24 while working an early shift in Padua Hall. He was a true (navy) blue Yankees fan who loved talking about his kids, enjoying Italian food and living his Catholic faith. He was 57.
Creative Arts, St. Thea Bowman Center for Women

"Woman, Life, Freedom!"

To explore the roots of the recent uprising in Iran, in which thousands of Iranians have been killed, beaten and imprisoned, and how American students can support those protesting, Siena hosted two “Woman, Life, Freedom!” presentations October 26 and 27. The title echoes the popular rallying cry of the Iranian protestors.

Five best things about fall in upstate New York

Ask any student in the Northeast what it’s like to live and go to school here in upstate New York, and chances are good they’ll reference one of the four seasons. And that’s because we get ‘em all, and we love ‘em all. (Yes, even the winters.)

If we haaad to pick a favorite though, it’s really hard to beat the fall.
Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: Hirakata City, Japan

Gabriella Tamayo '23 chose to study in Japan because of her fascination with anime (Japanese animation). Now that she's in Japan, she's learning about a different Japanese artform: Sake.
MBA, School of Business

Every Student Has a Story: Bianca Prinsloo '22, G'23

Each time a water polo recruit visits campus, Bianca Prinsloo '22, G'23 gives the tour. At some point on their walk, the prospective student or parent will ask about the Siena community, and Bianca always responds with the same story. It's about the time she lost almost everything, and how her Siena family made her whole again.
Center for International Programs, English, School of Liberal Arts

A Record Eight Saints 'Hit Submit'

Eight Saints applied for Fulbright scholarships this year, the highest single year submission for Siena, ever. The process to apply for the prestigious grant takes between five and six months. Each Saint had their own motivation. For Corinna Hofler '23, it all began with a deep dive into her ancestry.

A Papal Blessing for all Siena Saints

"Pope Francis lit up with a broad smile when I pulled the Siena shirt out of a bag and asked for a photo. He asked about Siena College, the meaning of the 'Saints,' and why the color green."
Political Science, English, Social Work, School of Liberal Arts

Grants Fund Programs Aimed to Diversify Curriculum

To diversify the curriculum, enhance inclusive teaching practices and recruit diverse majors, Academic Affairs now offers grants for faculty to fund course content, projects and events. A panel was held October 3 by the most recent cohort of awardees to present on their grant-funded efforts and how they can be adapted by other faculty and departments.
Environmental Studies and Sciences, School of Science

Mapping the Floodplain of Tar Creek

For decades, the residents of Ottawa County, Oklahoma have contended with contaminated water, air and soil from old mining sites. A Siena professor and two of her students have just created a new floodplain map that shows just how toxic increased flooding has been to the area, to help promote and guide further remediation.