The Bleacher Brothers – Fr. Casey Cole and Br. Tito Serrano, associate campus minister – are on a 17,000 mile, 11-week tour of all 30 Major League Baseball parks. They're spreading the Franciscan message "where people are" and throughout their trip, they'll be sharing many of their stories and encounters in the SCoop.

A Center of Excellence!

How good is Siena’s food service? So good that Siena Fresh has been named one of three “Centers of Excellence” in the country by AVI Foodsystems, Inc., the College’s contracted food service provider.
Career and Internship Center, Marketing

Congratulations, You're Hired!

Soon after Nick Pepe '21, G'22 was hired as a marketing analyst at RenderTribe, the marketing agency asked for a headshot. Nick supplied his LinkedIn profile picture which the company used to create his own avatar.
Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: Graduate School

The pandemic sabotaged study abroad opportunities for hundreds of Saints. Some students were forced to cut their experiences short, others graduated without getting the chance to travel. But what if there was another way?
Academic Community Engagement, Political Science, School of Liberal Arts

Sharing Their New Life Through Art

Through artistic expression and collaborative projects, refugees living in the Albany area shared their experiences about their new lives in America in a local exhibit organized by a Siena student working through the office of Academic Community Engagement (ACE).

Every Student Has a Story: Hailey Memery '25

Hailey Memery '25 is a teenager competing in a wild water sport dominated, almost exclusively, by men. That, by itself, would be a good story. But it keeps getting better with every championship...
Physics & Astronomy, School of Science

West Coast Wildfire Hits Close to Home

Professor and students were all set to observe distant galaxies and supermassive black holes through remote access to the Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona. A 20,000-acre wildfire ignited by a June 11 lightning strike unfortunately scrapped those plans, but they were able to pivot to a new summer study option.

A Powerful Voice for the Under-Represented

For his work in promoting Franciscan values and the goals of diversity, equity and inclusion, Fr. Linh Hoang, O.F.M, Ph.D., professor of religious studies, has been elected to a two-year term on the board of directors of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA).