Academics, Education

An Uncovered Underground Railroad Stop Near Campus

The Capital Region has a direct connection to the Underground Railroad that was nearly lost to time. What does it look like? When Fr. Ken couldn't take his students there, he brought the railroad to campus.
Academics, Social Work, School of Liberal Arts

Every Student Has a Story: Jenn Collazo '21

On Sunday, Jenn Collazo '21 will graduate with a degree in social work. She wants to help children living through traumatic circumstances. She wants to show them a path out. Her path.
Academics, Modern Languages & Classics, School of Liberal Arts

My (unexpected) Quebec Heritage

Rose Wilson ’21 liked her First Year Seminar professor so much that when she saw an elective she was offering during Wilson’s last semester at Siena, she jumped at the chance to take it even though it wasn’t related to her major. Her class project led to an interesting discovery about her family.
Academics, Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur(s) of the Year

For seven years, Siena has honored alumni with the annual Civitella Entrepreneur of the Year award. This year, the Stack Center added an honor for a current student.

Food Talk: Where Siena Students Order Takeout

As you can probably imagine, you're in for a lot of late nights at college. Hanging out with your friends, staying in to write a paper, studying with your roommates for tomorrow's test—you'll be doing a lot of all that.

Racial Justice and Police Reform

The second in a series of bipartisan Congressional panel discussions on racial justice and police reform was held May 6 - one of the first campus events to have an in-person component since the start of the pandemic. President Chris Gibson ’86, Ph.D. moderated U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-NY-19) and U.S. Rep. John Katko (R-NY-24), who discussed the two major legislative proposals for policing reform.

A Special Juneteenth Reflection

Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery in the United States. It marks the day – two and a half years after the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation – that slaves in Texas at long last received news of their freedom via General Order No. 3. To observe this holiday and to further the College’s commitment to strengthening the bonds of racial justice, Siena hosted its first-ever Juneteenth celebration on May 5.

Sports in America

They won championships and set records as Siena student athletes, but in a conversation with students and staff on May 10, the decorated athletes weren't talking about titles and statistics.