Computer Science, School of Science, Academics

The Intern Journal: IBM

Computer science majors can sometimes be considered geeks. Justin Largo '21 owns the label, but he takes issue with the stereotype.
Service/Advocacy, Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy

Knot So Fast

Weeds can range from a mild nuisance to 15-feet tall ecosystem destroyers. Siena's weed whackers neutralized the threat.
Religious Studies, School of Liberal Arts, Academics, Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy

Every Student Has a Story: Kiley Pendergast '21

Kiley Pendergast '21 has never been to Jamaica. But from her home in the Capital Region, she's creating opportunities for at-risk students who just need a chance.
School of Liberal Arts, Sociology

Spy Games

Duane Matcha, Ph.D., professor of sociology, served alongside other truck drivers in Vietnam. At least that's the lie they would tell people. The truth required top secret clearance. But not anymore...
School of Business, Academics, Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MBA

Seeking Roommates and Spirits

Two Siena students are headed to a state business plan competition with apps they incubated in their Siena entrepreneurship classes.

Exploring the Business of Hip Hop

There wasn’t actually a fireplace, but a fireside chat format worked just fine for Siena students to virtually interview one of the top Black entrepreneurs in the country.

Teaching About the World's Worst Atrocities

Exploring the topic of genocide is complex and heartbreaking – but it must be done so that we can also explore ways to prevent it. Ausra Park, Ph.D., associate professor of international relations, has been selected in a national competition to attend a workshop that will develop best practices to teach this challenging subject.


For nearly every single step of a high school student's road to college, there are countless resources that can really help you (or your parents) make things easier and clearer. Twitter accounts to follow. Guides to download. People to answer your questions. Here are our top picks to bookmark stat.

My Hijab Is a Badge of Honor

The hijab is not a symbol of oppression – it stands for respect for Allah and oneself, and is often seen as empowering by those who wear it.