Physics & Astronomy, School of Science

Returning to the Scene of the Stars

Matthew Harrison '20 made his first trip to the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia as a freshman and novice astronomer; he'll be returning as a software engineer.

We Are Saints

Saints stick together. We stand strong. We jump into the fray. We help however we can. We make the best of what’s around, and we care deeply for the world around us.

Shop 'Til You Drop

It's recommended older and at-risk populations avoid potential exposure to COVID-19 by avoiding the market altogether. So how do they get groceries? By calling Scotty Parillo '21.
Physics & Astronomy, School of Science

Physics Experiments by Mail

Just because campus labs are closed, that doesn't mean hands-on examination into the natural laws of the universe must stop.
Creative Arts, School of Liberal Arts

Virtual Choir, Technical Masterpiece

When the annual Spring Cabaret was cancelled, Siena’s creative arts team immediately pivoted from their initial disappointment to enthusiasm for a new challenge.