Young Lim Chung (“Limmy”) is well-known for her delicious made-to-order omelet served up each weekday morning in Lonnstrom Dining Hall. For Valentine’s Day last week, she offered something extra for those in the omelette line – origami bookmarks that she lovingly made by hand. 

If you didn’t have a sweetheart to celebrate with last week, or even if you did, Limmy had you covered. A few weeks before February 14, she started crafting 200 heart-shaped bookmarks from colored paper. On the holiday she placed them in a display at the omelette station with a note encouraging Saints to take one.

“I just love the kids,” she said. “I want to take care of them and make them feel like this is home for them.” 

Limmy, who has been part of Siena’s AVI dining hall team for 12 years, started putting out decorations and candy for the holidays a while back. Ornaments at Christmas, eggs at Easter and so on, always something special to bring a little extra love to the students she calls “my kids.” 

Amanda Greco, director of AVI at Siena, said “Limmy’s energy shines throughout Lonnstrom. Her talent and thoughtfulness are appreciated and admired by so many!”