The Siena chapter of the business honors society Beta Alpha Psi has earned a commendation from their national organization.

The Nu Xi chapter has achieved Distinguished status for 2022-2023 from BAP, the honors society for students and professionals in the financial information field.         

Prof. Kayla Waters and Prof. Heidi Durkee, both teaching instructors of accounting, serve as faculty advisors for the chapter. 

“Membership in Beta Alpha Psi offers professional development benefits that supplement what students learn in the classroom,” said Waters. “They have the opportunity to speak with professionals in their future fields and learn skills such as conflict management and working in teams.”

Chapters must meet a list of requirements to reach a certain achievement level, such as offering professional development, engaging in outreach and service activities, as well as submitting a chapter report. Fewer than half of the 315 chapters in the U.S. earn one of the BAP achievement levels. 

The Siena chapter has been involved in tutoring, volunteering with local non-profits, hosting a professional networking event on campus, and presenting to local high school students about careers in accounting, finance and data analytics.

The chapter’s next goal is to move up to the next achievement level: Superior status.

“I am delighted at this recognition, which is the result of a lot of hard work by our dedicated faculty, staff and students,” said Rashmi Assudani, Ph.D., dean of the School of Business. “It is an honor to celebrate Siena’s Nu Xi chapter.”

Morgan Campbell ’24 serves as president of the Siena chapter, which currently has 19 members and 10 incoming candidates.

“Our main focus is on networking to further benefit our members when they enter the workforce,” she said. “We love getting to know fellow professionals from different companies, including many from the Big Four accounting firms. Our students have been able to get numerous job opportunities from their connections through BAP. It’s very rewarding and we encourage fellow finance, accounting, and data analytics students to join!” 

Julia Morino ’24 said membership in the honor society has enabled her to network with numerous firms, fostering crucial business relationships. 

“It has also strengthened connections with peers in my major, emphasizing the importance of maintaining these ties throughout my career.”