
Last month, we kicked off our tour guide series with Andy Murphy, who got his first glimpse of Siena as a freshman in high school. Now, we're eager to introduce you to our next guide, or student ambassador, who knew from her first visit that our campus is where she belongs.

Meet Megan Salavantis '17. She's an English major, aspiring writer, Writing Partnership intern at Siena and the campus correspondent for our school's Her Campus page.

What do you remember about your first tour, and what was your first impression of campus?

My first tour was during Junior Jumpstart Day and it was extremely informative. I'm currently friends with my tour guide actually! I remember thinking that Siena was absolutely beautiful and it didn't take me long to realize this was my dream school. I knew that this was where I belonged. Even after looking at eight or nine schools and applying to four, I knew if I got into Siena I was coming here no matter what.

What made you want to become a student ambassador?

I became an ambassador because Siena has opened so many doors for me. I feel truly at home, and if I can inform people about Siena and share my experiences with them, I am giving them the chance to love Siena as much as I do.

What's the most interesting question you've been asked while giving a tour?

One time I got asked what a friar was and who the men in "brown dresses" were walking around on campus. I replied, 'Those are our friars.' It gave me a great opportunity to talk about the Franciscan tradition.

What has your favorite course been so far, and why?

My favorite course so far has been my First Year Seminar. The topic was on current and historical issues related to women and it was taught by Dr. Haas. The whole class was fascinating and Dr. Haas was brilliant. It shaped a lot of my beliefs and inspired me to branch out and explore new ways of thinking. Not to mention my writing skills improved significantly as a result of that class. My First Year Seminar set the groundwork that allowed me to be successful in many different avenues of my college career.

If you could tell prospective students one piece of advice when they're trying to decide if Siena is right for them, what would you say?

I would have to say to try to picture yourself here. Can you envision yourself hanging out with friends at Casey's, walking across the academic quad on your way to class, going to the KeyBank Auditorium and watching free movies on the weekend? Picture yourself at Siena for the next four years of your life and see if you feel at home here. College becomes your home away from home and it's important that you pick a school where you feel like you belong.

I knew Siena was right for me when...?

...When I started to imagine myself here. I would think of the next four years of my life and when it became natural for me to picture them at Siena, I knew I was going to the right place.

You know you're at Siena when...?

...People hold the door for you everywhere you go. Or, when you realize you love campus in every season (even when it's muddy, snowing or raining)!

Want to meet Megan and our other ambassadors in person?

Schedule an Interview or Campus Visit