Academics, Campus Events, Service/Advocacy

By Keyanna Dunn '16

It seemed as though members of the Siena community had traveled back in time as students, dressed in historic Donut Dolly uniforms, greeted visitors with donuts at the door of the Key Auditorium on Thursday, October 8.

The event, sponsored by the Sr. Thea Bowman Center for Women, the History Club and the American Red Cross,  included a showing of the documentary film, “A Touch of Home: The Vietnam War’s Red Cross Girls,” as well as a panel discussion with three of the Donut Dollies.

The Donut Dollies were young women, just like many Siena students and members of the public in attendance, who had recently received college degrees and made the courageous decision to travel to Vietnam and work as volunteers. They provided food and entertainment for the soldiers, but most importantly, the women gave the soldiers a small reminder of home.

“A Touch of Home: Vietnam War’s American Red Cross Girls” featured interviews, home movies and photographs of the Donut Dollies. It was clear to the audience that the many members of the Donut Dollies shared a desire to change the world, which made their bravery inspirational to people across the globe.

Of the 627 women who volunteered as Donut Dollies during the Vietnam War, three attended the event to join a panel discussion about their time in service. Judy Rothman who served as a volunteer on the bases of Da Nang and Bien Hoa between 1968 to 1969, Jeanne Christie who served as a volunteer on the bases of Nha Tang, Phan Rang, and Da Nang between 1967 to 1968, and Nancy Warner who served as a volunteer on the bases of Lui Ke, An Khe, Da Nang, and South Vietnam between 1969 to 1970, each spoke to those in attendance about their individual experiences abroad.

“I was interested in people to people, I was interested in different parts of the world, I wanted to go and do something's the Kennedy method...Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” said Christie.

Their yearning to help the world during a turbulent time prompted these three women to join the Donut Dollies. Not only did they inspire the soldiers in the Vietnam War but they continue to inspire people today by sharing the unforgotten experiences that will forever hold their bond together.