Campus Events, Siena in the News, Student Life

By Lexi Palma '13
Siena College’s academic quad was filled with smoke during the annual Campus Safety day as the college sponsored several fire-safety drills, including hands-on fire extinguisher training and displays by the Shaker Road Loudonville Fire Department and the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.The main event of the day was a live fire of a mock residence hall room. It showed students how quickly one of their rooms can go up in flames.

“A fire doubles in size every thirty seconds,” said Tim Norray, Assistant Director of Safety. In a matter of minutes, there was almost nothing left of the mock room.

Campus Safety Day also featured other displays and signups for CPR and Rape Aggression Defense Systems classes.

The awareness group Choices 301 was also at the event to speak with students about the dangers of drinking and driving. The group brought a car that was destroyed in a drunken driving accident to show how important it is for students to realize the severity of the issue.

Siena’s Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy’s Volunteer Service Fair also made the academic quad a busy place. More than 50 community service agencies hosted tables on campus to discuss volunteer opportunities available to Siena students.

“I think it is important for Siena students to get involved in the community,” said Jackie Gentile from Peter Young Housing Industries and Treatment. “It can serve as a valuable tool for students to explore potential career avenues as well as specific organizations. It provides the student with valuable work experience, both practical and for resume enhancement. Siena students have offered our agency fresh perspectives and provide an invaluable recruiting tool when they return to the campus; we have hired three Siena graduates.”

The students learned many great lessons from Campus Safety Day and the Volunteer Service Fair, and most walked away feeling more informed.

Photo Credit: Evan Peter '14