Center for International Programs, Albany Medical Program, School of Science

If you're of the mind that museums are boring, perhaps you haven't been to the right museum? 

There are 14 thematic rooms at Chocolate Nation: the Belgian Chocolate Experience, and each helps to tell the story of the world's most famous chocolate. The museum tour begins in the cocoa plantations of the equator, and follows the cocoa bean on its journey. And yes, you get to sample your way through the museum. Sydney Murray '27 couldn't imagine a more magical place.

"It's full circle for me. I wrote my college application essay about cooking. It's something where you can just turn your brain off for a moment and enjoy the experience. I don't want it to be my career, but I can't believe I get to take a class in it. Plus, I love chocolate!"

Murray is studying Belgium food and ingredients (which satisfies a heritage credit), as well as French (which she plans to pursue as a minor) during her three-week study abroad experience in Brussels this summer. Her food class took a tour of the world's most spectacular chocolate museum, then made their own Belgian chocolates that same day.

 "We made pralines. First, you make a hollow chocolate mold, then you fill it with whatever you what. I did a coffee caramel one that turned out pretty good! The class isn't all about chocolate. Belgium has other specialities they're known for, like French fries with mussels. I'm not sure about that."

Murray is in the College's Albany Medical College program, and she's a student athlete (diving). That rare combination makes it nearly impossible to study abroad for a full semester, but Murray found the perfect program in Brussels. She's satisfying two requirements, and getting a head start on her French minor (living with a host family where only French is spoken is accelerating fluency). Plus, she's living an adventure she's only dreamed of.

"This is my first time out of the country, and it was my first time on an airplane by myself. Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming. Like, what am I doing here, and how did I get here?"

Murray had that thought recently while on a boat ride in Paris that took her right by the Eiffel Tower. The experience has been everything she's wanted and needed, and that's the beauty of choice provided by Siena's Study Abroad office. There's a destination/program/experience customizable for everyone – including an AMC/student athlete with a French minor and a sweet tooth.