Center for International Programs

Noelle LeBlanc '25 is aware that, at first look, she blends right in. Every other student in her History of China in the 20th Century class (above) was from either Hong Kong or mainland China. Most assumed the same of Noelle, until she opened her mouth to talk (which, admittedly, she did a lot). 

Noelle was born in China's Hunan province, though she has no recollection of life in southern China. She was adopted at 10 months old and grew up in Central New York. She's always had an affinity for travel and exploration, and has always wanted to visit Asia. When she saw a Daily Digest post promoting a three-week summer study abroad opportunity in Hong Kong, she leapt at the chance. 

 "I'm a spiritual person. I believe in energy in the universe, and as soon as I arrived, Hong Kong felt very familiar. I was fascinated by that feeling."

 Noelle may have felt an indescribable sense of belonging, but she outed herself as an American with her extroverted nature. 

"One classmate in particular seemed very nice, so I asked him for his Instagram. When I direct messaged him, he wrote back and asked what I wanted. I was confused by his response. I didn't want anything. After a few more messages we figured it out. In Hong Kong, strangers don't talk to each other. Many are incredibly anti-social. I might look like I could be from Hong Kong, but I was nothing like my classmates!"

Noelle added that everyone was very kind, especially when coaxed from their shells. Her classmates all spoke English (the class was taught in English) though most students were more comfortable participating in class discussion in Mandarin or Cantonese. Often Noelle depended on translators, and at first, she had no idea what to do with the final paper: Describe how you and your family fit into 20th century China.

Noelle's family is from New York, and despite 10 months she can't remember, she doesn't fit in with China at all. But, the professor explained that since she was born in China, there's a story to explore and tell. Noelle wrote 13 pages.

It's often said that Hong Kong is the place where "East Meets West." Noelle uncovered that intersection in herself over the course of three weeks. 

"I believe I'm where east meets west. I'm a good blend of that. To then come to Hong Kong where they live that, it's just incredible. It's my new favorite place. I felt so happy there like nothing could go wrong. It was just absolutely amazing. I don't have any words for it. The experience left me speechless."