
Of the many factors that high school students and families consider when researching colleges, value is always one of the biggest...if not the most important! One way to get a sense of a school's value is to look at life after graduation—and for an esteemed ranking like this one.

We've shown you before how successful Siena grads are, but here's some more recognition and proof. Every year, Educate to Career (ETC)—a nonprofit organization that collects data to help high school students and their parents make informed college decisions—produces their ETC College Rankings Index.

President and founder of ETC, Michael R. Havis, says: "Our rankings stand out as unique, as our ETC College Rankings Index places major emphasis on the workforce preparedness and the improvement in earnings and employability that grads derive from attending a particular college.”

Their 2016 Index ranked 1,182 schools, and guess what? Siena College was in the top 1/3rd, earning us Best Value-Top College. It means:

-- A relatively high percentage of our graduates will be employed in their field of study

-- A majority of students will graduate in 4 or 5 years

-- Earnings of Siena grads are relatively high

-- Loan default rates are very low

Showing families they'll gain a return on their investment is important to us, so we couldn't be happier to add this recognition to the list of ROI proof we hold. 

To chat more about what this means for you, and how we can help your family benefit from the value of a Siena education, contact us anytime.