Alumni, Campus Events, Success Story

The Siena College David ’73 and Christine Spicer ’75 Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship inducted 24 new members to the The Maddalone Entrepreneur Wall of Success on Thursday, November 19. Made possible through the support of Guy T. Maddalone ’89, Founder and CEO of GTM Payroll Services, the display is designed to recognize the entrepreneurial success of Siena alumni and inspire current students to work towards their dreams.

The year’s inductees include many successful local alumni, such as Katie O’Malley Maloney ’06 of Katie O’ Weddings and Events, but also include global companies such as Journeyful, the online travel agency founded by Mohamed Ibrahim ’96, based in the Republic of Singapore. No matter where they are located, the alumni are dedicated to the betterment of Siena students with entrepreneurial aspirations.

Maloney sees the skills she gained during her time at Siena in her everyday life.  It’s that lasting impact that makes her place on the Maddalone Wall of Success so special to her.

“It’s a tremendous honor for me to be able to give back to a college that gave so much to me when I was a student,” said Maloney.  “I tell people all the time, when I’m talking to new business connections, the degree I earned at Siena has helped me. It means a lot, even though I worked hard here, that I’m getting recognized for what I’ve done and the contributions I’ve made with all that Siena gave me.”

Matthew Cusack ’89, executive director of the Stack Center, was also honored as an inductee for his start-up, Plug Power. Cusack’s extensive experience with start-up companies has shown him how important it is for students to get inspiration from the success of those who have come before them. 

“We all have to give back in order to grow. I want to be a part of that, and I’m glad that all of the entrepreneurs on the Wall of Success are a part of that with me.

“Steven Erby ’05, Owner of Monolith Solar Associates, LLC, sees his impact on Siena’s campus every time he drives by Rosetti Hall. His company installed systems on the building aimed at reducing the electricity costs. Erby’s business started with a passion and he urges students to remain positive through the hardships that come with being an entrepreneur, “We make mistakes every day, but we continuously improve.”

The David ’73 and Christine Spicer ’75 Stack Center for Innovational and Entrepreneurship is an interdisciplinary program focused on business creation from idea development through commercialization. To learn more about the Center, please visit: