Austin Sicko '23 could have commuted to Siena, but he preferred the experience of living on campus. That's why he moved about 100 yards from home. 

Austin was going through his nighttime routine in Hennepin Hall when his toothbrush slipped from his grip and hit the bathroom floor, bristles down. He didn't have a spare on campus, and while he could have washed it off, Austin thought his dad might have a back-up at the family home. Andy Sicko did, in fact, have an extra toothbrush and came up with this plan.

"I told Austin to start walking home, and I'd start walking to campus, and we could meet in the middle. He had a new toothbrush in his hands about a minute later."

The Sicko family lives on Spring Street Road, directly across from the Turchi Road entrance to campus (in the picture of their home, above, you can see Patricia Gioia Hall in the distance poking through the trees). But, they're still relatively new to the neighborhood. When Austin was a senior in high school, home was on the other side of the Hudson River in North Greenbush. It took a bit of Move-In Day serendipity for the Sickos to become Siena College neighbors. 

"I didn't know about the house, but we were looking for something with a bit more space," Andy said. "My wife, Michelle, dropped Austin off on campus his first day freshman year, and as she pulling off campus, she noticed a Coldwell Banker sign at the house across the street. This was right before home prices skyrocketed and we were able to negotiate the asking prices down a bit. Then all we needed was Austin's blessing."

Austin says he's thankful his dad and step-mom asked if it would be okay, and he admits there was some hesitation. But...

"Then I realized the benefits would outweigh any potential embarrassments," Austin said. "And I was never embarrassed. During syllabus week, when you go around the room and professors ask you to share a fun fact, I always said I'm the non-commuter who lives closest to campus."

As far as the benefits, easy access to home-cooking tops the list. At the start of each semester, Michelle would make spaghetti and meatballs for Austin and his Siena friends. 

"Siena was such a great experience for us as well as Austin," Andy said. "We've enjoyed spending time with Austin's friends and their parents. And to live across the street is fantastic. I love hearing the lacrosse and soccer games going on – the whistles and the cheering. We're fortunate to have Siena as our neighbor."

Austin can see Hennepin Hall from his bedroom across the street. He's moved back into that bedroom for now after walking at Commencement last Sunday. Austin technically finished his degree last summer, and has been working for Million Air at Albany International Airport for nearly a year. Austin fuels and tows private planes, among other tasks, and has separately earned his private pilot's license. Next, he'd like to work towards a commercial license with the goal of flying charter planes. The Siena graduate is building his life, but now he's got a new reason to be on campus.

"We just got a new German shepherd puppy a few weeks ago (named Piper for the aircraft)," Austin said. "I'll be taking Piper on plenty of walks around campus, so you'll see us around."