1. I am a proud Siena alumnus! I didn’t start out here, but came to Siena College as a second-year transfer student. I immediately felt at home and comfortable here after having attended a large urban university as a freshman. I majored in Psychology and went on to complete a Masters Degree at Sage Graduate School.
  2. I have a husband and two daughters, one of whom I get to see just about every day on campus because she is a Siena student. My older daughter is a student at Paul Smiths College in the Adirondacks. I am looking forward to all of us being together for Thanksgiving break. 
  3. Speaking of the Adirondacks, I love that part of the state! For many years, I worked for New York State and often was able to travel throughout our beautiful state. The Adirondacks was always my favorite destination. On one particular trip, I showed a New York City colleague around Lake Placid and ever since then, she takes her family there every year for vacation. I am glad to have been the catalyst for that tradition!
  4. Our family dog is a Goldendoodle named Tucker. He is super cute and very spoiled. He loves people and is so happy whenever we have guests.
  5. My husband and I both love to go to live music events. We have been married for over 30 years and a shared love of music is one thing that brought us together.
  6. I like trying out new activities just for fun. I’ve taken fencing lessons, gone target shooting with laser rifles, and I tried axe-throwing for the first time this year! 
  7. Hiking is one of my favorite outdoor activities. I live within walking distance of the Albany-Hudson Electric Trail, which is part of the Empire State Trail, and there are many preserves and parks to hike within easy driving distance of my Rensselaer County home. My family is so fortunate to have taken an epic vacation this year which included hiking in Sedona, Arizona and the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and Zion National Parks. We saw some incredible views!
  8. I am obsessed with fabric and have a habit of buying fabric without a specific sewing project in mind. Over the years, I have accumulated an impressive collection, including some vintage fabrics. I am not sure my husband appreciates how much storage space my fabric addiction requires. 
  9. I am also obsessed with books and often read two or three books at a time. I love visiting libraries, and you can rest assured I do my part to support small, locally owned bookstores! I am proud to say I am distantly related (by marriage) to Ray Bradbury, who was a genius in my opinion and I wish I could have met him. I re-visited Fahrenheit 451 this summer and I can confirm it is worth reading twice. If you have never read it, do it! 
  10. In January 2017, I participated in the Women’s March in Washington DC. I met many amazing strong women there and created some lasting friendships. I traveled to our nation’s capital again in April of the same year to join the People’s Climate March. My daughters, my friends, and I were lucky to meet Al Gore, Mandy Patinkin, and so many other people committed to our planet.