
Sometimes, the college someone chooses turns out to be not the best fit. Thinking lately that you’d be thriving much more somewhere else? In other words, want to transfer? Read on. Although most of our advice on this blog can apply to transfer students as well, this particular post was created especially for you (as was our transfer open house on 10/29). And high school students may want this advice eventually, too! Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you make the decision to transfer.

First, be okay with your decision. Did you know nearly one-third of all students transfer to another college before earning their degree? And, according to the same report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, more than a quarter cross state lines when they do. As you can see, transferring is very common. If you believe you’d have a happier and more rewarding experience elsewhere, don’t second-guess yourself. You should love your school, and by doing some homework before you transfer, you ultimately will.

Write down what you want. Just as you did when you first applied to colleges, be sure you do your research. Ask yourself, why do I want to transfer? Does your current school not have the programs you’re interested in? Would you rather a smaller school with a more tight-knit community? Revisit your initial list and do some more digging to determine which school you’d like to transfer to. Once you select one, jot down the deadlines and submit your application.

Get help. Transferring really doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may sound. Most colleges have clear transfer policies and resources to help guide you along. If you’re thinking about transferring to Siena College, for example, I’d encourage you to meet with me, the transfer advisor here, to learn how your credits would transfer. I’m also here to answer any questions you may have regarding transfer admission and scholarships. 

Enjoy the process. Not only should it be easy to transfer, it should be easy to then immerse yourself in your new school. Make new friends, explore the area, get to know your new home. At Siena, we actually have a transfer orientation program that welcomes transfers to our campus community and helps them build new friendships. 

All that said, one of our biggest pieces of advice would be attend a transfer event to learn even more. As luck would have it, ours is around the corner (wink!). At our Transfer Open House on Wednesday, October 29, you’ll learn:

  • How your credits will transfer towards a Siena College bachelor’s degree (bring a copy of your transcript!)

  • About the opportunities in your intended major

  • How you can become an active participant inside and outside the classroom

  • About the career preparation and counseling available to you

  • About the seamless transition to Siena College

Register today for our Transfer Open House! I hope to see you there.

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