
Received some great news in the mail lately? There's nothing like reading "congratulations on your acceptance" to put you into a long-lasting state of bliss. Enjoy those exciting moments! Just be sure that, in the days and weeks that follow, you keep your head in the college game and be smart about your next moves. That said, here are some things you shouldn't do after you get those acceptance letters.

1. Don't mess with your social accounts. Chances are, you did a little bit of cleaning up on your Facebook profile, Twitter account and so on during the application stage. Now that you've been accepted somewhere, it's still important to be mindful of what you post and what you write to other people, too—no matter the platform or your privacy settings. If you start typing anything negative, just ask yourself: "Would I want an admissions counselor to see this?"

2. Don't enroll right away. As soon as you get one acceptance to a school you love, it's tempting to submit a deposit and get the ball rolling. But hang on! Try to wait until you receive decisions from everywhere you've applied, so you can sit back, take a careful look at all the details and make an informed, level-headed decision. Unless, of course, you've been wanting to go to Siena since pre-K. Then go ahead. ;)

3. Don't slack on your schoolwork. Now and even after you've chosen a school and submitted your deposit, your homework still has to get done and your tests have to be taken! Keep up your hard work, pay attention in class and continue to prove to admissions counselors that they made the right decision. 

4. Don't forget to thank your teachers and school counselor. Your teachers, especially those who wrote letters of recommendation for you, will want to share in your excitement. Let them know about your acceptances as they come in, and be sure to thank them and your school counselor for their guidance and support throughout the application process. A simple, handwritten note is perfectly fine, and will be much appreciated. 

5. Don't skip the celebration. Whether you've received one acceptance or multiple you-got-in letters, you've earned the right to celebrate each one. Go out to dinner with your family (they helped get you here, too!), or just acknowledge that you've accomplished something really incredible. Applying to colleges takes time and effort; you deserve to be proud for getting through it all. 

Easy enough, right? Congratulations on your acceptance letters! Hopefully, you received one from Siena—and if that's the case, be sure to attend our events designed especially for accepted students. Click below to register.

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