Audio Notes

Audio Notes is used to provide note taking assistance to students with disabilities. The Office of Accessibility has two options for this accommodation; LiveScribe SMART Pen and Glean. All Audio Note user must be compliant with the Audio Recording Policy.

Computer in the Classroom

Permission to use a computer in the classroom is given to students to type their notes or use Glean Audio Note taker.  The use of a computer is not permitted for doing other work in the classroom or accessing any social media during class. If a professor reports to the Office of Accessibility that the computer was used for any reason other than the ones approved, the accommodation may be revoked.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology and Digital Accessibility is an important initiative in the Office of Accessibility. We offer Audio Notes, Alternative Formatted Material, and Natural Reader and can provide training on personal device accessibility tools. For web accessibility and academic technology please contact the Office of Accessibility or the Director of Academic Technology.

Alternative Formatted Material

A student may require class material in a different format such as audio. This may be text to audio or text to HTML.  Providing Alternative Formatted material may take up to three (3) business days.

Absence Consideration

Sometimes student’s disabilities may affect their ability to uphold the attendance policy for a course in which they are enrolled. This accommodation must be listed on the Accommodation letter given to each professor from the student. A conversation with the student and the professor should take place discussing the number of absences that would be reasonable. Ideally, this notification should take place at the start of the semester, since the nature of some courses makes it difficult and sometimes impossible for the faculty to accommodate excessive absences.

With proper advanced notice prior to the class starting, the student will notify their professor and the Office of Accessibility that they will be utilizing this accommodation. The student will email the professor with Accessibility copied before class as well as complete the Absence Consideration Form. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the notes or material gone over in class and submit any due assignments. Note that professors have discretion over their attendance policy for the class and there is no guarantee that the professor will grant an excused absence.  Under no circumstances will the Office of Accessibility make requests for consideration that are not made in a timely manner.  Accommodations cannot be retroactively allocated. Absence cannot be considered if student does not email professor and Accessibility nor fills out the required form.

Learning Specialist

Students who struggle with executive functioning skills may benefit from the accommodation of a Learning Specialist. The Office of Accessibility may allocate a Learning Specialist to a student for assistance on organization and academic assistance. If allocated, the Learning Specialist may work with a student for one (1) hour a week. It is the student’s responsibility to dictate what will be worked on and addressed each session such as bringing appropriate material or assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to let their Learning Specialist know of their absence or tardiness to a meeting; it is at the Learning Specialist’s discretion on rescheduling.

For more information please read the Policy Handbook